Your diet plays a critical role in the strength of your immune system. Salads: Eat at least 1 cup per day of salads with raw vegetables and salad dressing. Studies have shown this increases levels of vitamin C and E as well as folic acid, all crucial to a strong immune system. The enzymes in the raw vegetables and the fiber help to promote a healthy digestive ...
Menopause used to be kept a secret and referred to discreetly as “the change”, but the baby boomers have changed all of that. What is great about this generation is they are not longer willing to accept inadequate healthcare for women. For many years there were two options for dealing with menopausal symptoms; just suffer through it or take hormone replacement ...
Is there an effective diet to lower cholesterol levels and improve your cardiovascular health? Actually there is much you can do to lower your cholesterol before it reaches the point where you need medication. One of the biggest recommendations for a healthy heart is to lower your cholesterol. There are new medications available today called “statins” ...
The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system located just below the bladder that wraps around the urethra, (the canal that empties the bladder), and produces a fluid that forms part of the semen. There are three common conditions that affect the prostate: Prostatitis Peneign Prostatic Hypertrophy(BPH) Prostate Cancer Benign prostatic hyperplasia ...
There are some excellent anti-anxiety food choices along with lifestyle changes you can make that are very effective at eliminating anxiety. Is Anxiety Normal? Anxiety is a tool of the human body that is meant to be a healthy response to stress is in life or even to a dangerous situation. The classic fight or flight response was quite helpful when we lived ...
Depression is a very common ailment today and is on the rise. It is estimated that 1 in 20 women and 1 in 12 men will experience a major depression. It can also occur in children and teens as well. Causes: Experts don’t yet agree on the exact causes but most feel it is a combination of genetics, nutrition, lifestyle and stressful life events. The first ...
Olive oil is not just a heart healthy oil, but is great for arthritis as well. It is a monounsaturated fat that relieves inflammation and its antioxidant fight free radicals. A study in Greece of 300 people showed that those who consumed 3 or more tablespoons a day had half the rate of RA compared to those who consumed much less or none at all. Fish Oil ...
Brain Food: Like your body, you need to feed your brain well for it to function well in your later years. Eat a diet of whole foods and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Buy organic when you can to avoid pesticides and environmental toxins. If organic food is unavailable or too expensive, wash your food thoroughly with a fruit and vegetable wash ...
Resveratrol: Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes and is a component of red wine. Resveratrol has a number of beneficial health effects, such as anti-cancer, antiviral, neuroprotective, anti-aging, anti- inflammatory and life-prolonging effects have been reported in animal studies. In also can be obtained from drinking grape juice for those who ...